10k Words - July 2020

Apparently , Confucius didn’t say “One Picture is Worth Ten Thousand Words” after all. It was an advertisement in a 1920s trade journal for the use of images in advertisements on the sides of streetcars. Even without the credibility of Confucius behind it, we think this saying has merit. Each month we share a few charts or images we consider noteworthy. " Analysts effectively stopped trying to adjust their forecasts about two months ago", concluded Bloomberg upon looking at Deutsche Bank's S&P 500 earnings revision chart. Volatility, meanwhile, remains elevated despite equity market strength. In an Australian context, Bell Potter shows that retail buying has driven the market higher. In a US context, BAML highlights that the strongest fund flows have been into cash and gold in 2020. At the same time, global corporate debt is soaring, Janus Henderson notes, and based on Capital Economics' debt spread data they are paying more for it. Capital Economics' money s...