10k Words - May 2020
Apparently , Confucius didn’t say “One Picture is Worth Ten Thousand Words” after all. It was an advertisement in a 1920s trade journal for the use of images in advertisements on the sides of streetcars. Even without the credibility of Confucius behind it, we think this saying has merit. Each month we share a few charts or images we consider noteworthy. We had to give you something on coronavirus - so it is the most complex infographic we've seen, from DannyDorling.org, then its over to US bonds, where yields are so low, Bloomberg highlights they imply some belief that the Federal Reserve will move to negative rates. From government bonds we move to high-yield (or junk) where rates have surged and Goldman Sachs forecasts a spike in defaults. What happens in equities when the spread on high yield bonds expands? Verdad Capital shows US small cap value starts to perform and charts the significant valuation spread between the cheapest and most expensive. Finally, Macquarie maps...